How can we help you?

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MXL partners with many great dealers and distributors to provide our products to customers all over the world. If you're looking at an MXL product and would like to know more about where to purchase from, we got you covered. 

For our United States dealers, please look here: Where to buy (US Dealers)

For our International dealers, please look here: Where to buy (International Dealers)

Our warranty only covers purchases made through authorized resellers, so it's important to check who you're buying from.

An authorized MXL dealer or reseller has a direct agreement with the manufacture (MXL) to sell MXL products.  Purchasing from an authorized dealer or reseller ensures you are purchasing a genuine MXL product from a reliable and knowledgeable source which are covered under the MXL manufacture warranty.

An unauthorized Dealer or reseller does not have an agreement with the manufacture (MXL) to sell MXL products. Unauthorized dealers are known to offer used, low quality, defective products acquired from unreliable sources which are not covered under the MXL manufacture warranty.

If you're still having trouble finding the right place to purchase an MXL product, feel free to submit a Support Ticket and we'll be happy to help you.

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